I'm not talking about the, "I forsee a handsome man walking into your future" vision. I'm talking about a true, God-given vision that propels you forward every day. Seeing that vision fulfilled is what gets you out of bed everyday. It gives you purpose and energy.
The vision for my life took an unexpected turn when I quit grad school. I always had a vision for my life but I hadn't asked God what his vision was.
As I've been praying and reflecting on the vision for my own life, God has revealed a couple of things.
When you're pursuing God's vision, it energizes you!
There is nothing more frustrating than having no purpose. For me, it leads to nothing but self-absorption and frustration. One of the things I love the most is supporting those who are on the "front lines" of ministry. It may seem a little crazy, but I love helping people do pretty much anything. I get excited when I can help someone! Luckily, God loves me enough to give me a wonderful job with amazing people that are happy to let me help them! I can't get bored doing that!

This may be one of the hardest things for people to grasp. Your purpose in life won't look like anyone else's! That's awesome!! Our world would be so boring if God gave us all the same purpose! Instead, he's given all of us different gifts and passions and ultimately, different purposes! Stop fighting the vision God has for your life because someone else's looks more appealing!
When I think about the vision God has for my life, I think about 1 Peter 4:10: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms"
I love that verse so much! Have you surrendered your vision for your life over to God? What is he pushing you to pursue? How are you serving others with your gifts?
One thing is for sure, when you allow God's vision for your life direct everything you do, you won't have to fight for a purpose.